Assigned by Andy Wyatt, our animation tutor, we were to practice 2D hand drawing by using a circle and morph it into whatever shape, animal, character etc. we could think. For my part the circle reminded me of how some animals wrap themselves into a ball for protection.

The animal I chose belongs to the Arthropod, category of Crustaceans called the Woodlouse. It is covered with a scale, armour plat

I first started out with small circle sketches of how the Woodlouse would appear in the 12 frame animation. At first I was thinking of drawing an almost alien appearance but it is not enought for 12 frames so a normal Woodlouse drawing would do. I looked on the we and typed in Woodlouse and drew down the animal's appearance.
During the actual drawing of 12 sheets of paper, I drew each step of the Woodlouse unravelling itself of its ball like form, legs and antenae tucked in its body and spreading out. I used water colour for its inital colour last of all. Small strips at first before completely covering the animation.
I had the intial idea of drawing a alien or simiam like woodlouse but it proved to much. I also intended to have the Woodlouse fully unravell itself from the ball being more straight. However I am pleased of this basic test.
I personaly like the scale armour detail of the Woodlouse. I am also a lover of Arthropods, crustaceans. Adding colour was a good idea, seeing how most of my sketches do not have that much colouring.