The following project is part of a name I like to call "ARTA" because I had an idea to use the word art in the title as the subject is what I enjoy the most above all as a hobby and as work. I first started to have the idea of a world inhabited by fantasy creatures of my own design. This idea was inspired by a series of three games in which as well had a world of its own called "ODDWORLD" link to website: I looked at the concept designs of the characters and wildlife of these games and just imagined my own but from a different concept. I juts thought it was extremely fascinating to see a world of monsters and strange animals in a world of which the society is very similar to or won. I wanted to create a world similar but with different plots, characters and many other aspects because I do not wish to copy wright something that is not mine.

The villains of my story, I like to portray them as the industrial corporation of our society, representing the bitterness, the greed and corruption of humanity but placed into the bodies of hideous insect creatures. The first one I call the "Hexoright". Hex is defined as a curse. They are portrayed as tall, very skinny creatures. Long thin arms with long fingers, eyes at the side of their head. On the left are the first drawings of what the Hexoright appear. This lack of physical strength means that they are cunning and intelligent creatures, built in by enormous wealth and own many industrial and strange medical facilities. Also, hobbling alongside them are short creatures, thought still bigger than OOD, I call the Parakecium. They are based upon the guards called "Sligs" in the "OODWORLD" series:
The Parakecium body form slightly resembles the Slig but do not have "bionic legs" The Parakecim wear armour plated trousers. Instead of tendrils they have an insect mouth like the Hexoright. They do no have strange masks, the Parakecium have a "visor" or sunglasses gear on their eyes. These characters I like to portray as the comic relief, villans or "henhcmen" that sometimes get the work correct but "goof " the situation at some rare occasions.
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